Data Agreement Termination 1.0


This specification describes a DIDComm protocol for a Data Subject to terminate a Data Agreement and notify the Organisation.

Data Agreement Termination Protocol 1.0


This specification describes a DIDComm protocol for a Data Subject to terminate a Data Agreement and notify the Organisation (Data Using Service or Data Source)


The Data Agreement may be terminated in many ways. Here are a few of the scenarios:

  1. Data Agreement expired, and the service is no longer applicable
  2. Updated Data Agreement with the new purpose or changes to collected PII categories
  3. Individual requests to terminate the service before the expiration date
  4. Individual requests not only to terminate but to have their personal data erased

Note the erasure may come after the termination of the Data Agreement.


The protocol described in this document is a request-response protocol [10]. This involves two parties, with the requester making the first move and the responder completing the interaction. The responder role is assumed by an Organisation (Data Source or Data Using Service). The requester can initiate the Data Agreement termination.

The following actors identified as part of the Data Agreement specification can assume the requester role:

  • a Data Subject or Individual. [SSI: Holder]

Once a Data Agreement is terminated, the proofs associated with termination are recorded to the Data Agreement service hosted by the Organisation (Data Using Service or Data Source), which acts as a central source of truth.


Using an already established pairwise connection (agent-to-agent communication) requester can initiate the data agreement termination process by sending a terminate message to the Organisation. The responder (Organization) records the termination event in the Data Agreement receipt and takes the necessary actions to fulfil the termination request. The responder acknowledges the termination request by responding with a terminate-ack message.


The Data Agreement Termination protocol consists of these messages:

  • data-agreement-termination/1.0/terminate
  • data-agreement-termination/1.0/terminate-ack
  • data-agreement-termination/1.0/problem-report

A Data Subject (requester) intending to terminate a Data Agreement initiates the termination process by recording a termination event and corresponding proof in the Data Agreement receipt. This event and proof are then sent to the Organisation to notify them about the termination. Data Subject (requester) must construct a terminate DIDComm message and send it to the Organisation (responder) using an already established pairwise connection (agent-to-agent communication). An example of a terminate DIDComm message is given below.

    "type": "https://didcomm.org/data-agreement-termination/1.0/terminate",
    "id": "418cd2fe-d20d-49e1-a73e-7782c51e1dd1",
    "to": "did:mydata:z6MkpzHAuPc4N2jgXg23ikZjp2tQSTEHqnzzr9683AQ2EvCV",
    "body": {
        "id": "d900a281-31f0-4bd5-a647-2c95136250b5",
        "event": {
            "id": "did:mydata:z6MkhnMkWDytfVEL88BRmWGeLN9vGhpdJ612QTgVMt1agqND#3",
            "time_stamp": "2021-12-13T06:25:56.776512+00:00",
            "did": "did:mydata:z6MkhnMkWDytfVEL88BRmWGeLN9vGhpdJ612QTgVMt1agqND",
            "state": "terminate"
        "proof": {
            "id": "did:mydata:z6MkhnMkWDytfVEL88BRmWGeLN9vGhpdJ612QTgVMt1agqND#3",
            "type": "Ed25519Signature2018",
            "created": "2021-12-13T06:25:56.779880+00:00",
            "verificationMethod": "did:mydata:z6MkhnMkWDytfVEL88BRmWGeLN9vGhpdJ612QTgVMt1agqND",
            "proofPurpose": "contractAgreement",
            "proofValue": "eyJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiLCAiYjY0IjogZmFsc2UsICJjcml0IjogWyJiNjQiXX0..GDrsga7RanAgMRLRvlHUSkNlLWauuRkA-uTHfovi_kkA-c9x2ZivW0B-dY3s5nI0xRMX9Sjuqq2fjGgpVaj8CA"
    "from": "did:mydata:z6MkhnMkWDytfVEL88BRmWGeLN9vGhpdJ612QTgVMt1agqND",
    "created_time": "1639356970"
Terminate Ack

On receiving the terminate message and processing it, the organisation (responder) must construct a terminate-ack DIDComm message and send it to the Data Subject (responder) using an already established pairwise connection (agent-to-agent communication). The organisation informs the Data Subject that the associated data is no longer bound to the Data Agreement. An example of a terminate-ack DIDComm message is given below.

    "type": "https://didcomm.org/data-agreement-termination/1.0/terminate-ack",
    "id": "5f5225d4-5df3-480c-b7b5-9029bd0a17c3",
    "~thread": {
        "thid": "418cd2fe-d20d-49e1-a73e-7782c51e1dd1"
    "status": "OK"
Problem Report

Errors might occur in various places. All errors are modelled with problem-report messages. If a problem arises, the agent will respond with a problem report message that conforms to Aries RFC 0035 [9]. An example is given below.

    "type": "https://didcomm.org/data-agreement-termination/1.0/problem-report",
    "id": "14525b0d-284f-42de-85ed-a2ca66a4d51c",
    "~thread": {
        "thid": "2ab0914c-9209-4b4a-8bf4-8df329ecbd3b"
    "created_time": "1639289960",
    "from": "did:mydata:z6MkpzHAuPc4N2jgXg23ikZjp2tQSTEHqnzzr9683AQ2EvCV",
    "to": "did:mydata:z6MkhnMkWDytfVEL88BRmWGeLN9vGhpdJ612QTgVMt1agqND",
    "problem-code": "data_agreement_not_found",
    "explain": "Data Agreement not found."


  1. DID core specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/
  2. IETF Multibase Data Format specification: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-multiformats-multibase
  3. Multicodec - Compact self-describing codecs: https://github.com/multiformats/multicodec
  4. DIDComm message specification: https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/
  5. Linked Data Cryptographic Suit Registry: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ld-cryptosuite-registry/
  6. Aries RFC 0092: Transports Return Route: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/features/0092-transport-return-route
  7. Aries RFC 0019: Encryption Envelope: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/features/0019-encryption-envelope
  8. IETF RFC 7516 - JSON Web Encryption: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7516
  9. Aries RFC 0035 - Report Problem Protocol 1.0: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/features/0035-report-problem
  10. Aries RFC 003 - Protocols: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/concepts/0003-protocols#types-of-protocols
Mr. Lal Chandran (iGrant.io, Sweden)
Last modified
2024 Feb 26, 20:02 PM