DIDComm v2 scrapbook
Here is a chronological list of DIDComm v2 presentations, products, services, efforts, and more. Feel free to submit new links or updates here.
DIDComm v2 libs
You can find the known DIDComm v2 libs in the Hello World libraries section
Chronological scrapbook of DIDComm v2 presentations, usage, efforts, and more
- Agent Development - Nessus DIDComm v1 and v2 PoC
- Video Presentation - Sam Curren and Alex Andrei present DIDComm v2 to the Open Wallet Foundation
- Blog - Daniel Hardman compares/contrasts OIDC, CHAPI, DWN, and DIDComm
- Live Service - RootsID DIDComm v2 mediator was meant to support mobile DIDComm v2 agents, but is also useful as a test DIDComm v2 interaction/interop service.
- Video Presentation - Daniel Hardman presents DIDComm v2 to the W3C
- Agent Development - Veramo has added some DIDComm v2 support and encourages contributions
- Agent Development - Aries framework javascript (AFJ) DIDComm v1 impl is actively adapting to DIDComm v2 and encourages contributions
- Agent Development - Aries cloud agent python (ACA-Py) DIDComm v1 impl is actively adapting to DIDComm v2 and encourages contributions